Gun Toting Campaign Advice

Traps and Chaps

Would it be a good idea for a candidate for state office to hire an ex Army sharp shooter as a campaign adviser?

What is one of the first rules of public or political speaking? Know your audience. So when you are at a candidates’ forum in the most consistently Republican county in the state of Montana, is it a surprise that in response to the “wolf question”, the Republican got the biggest round of applause plus whoops and cheers for saying, “Only one thing to do; shoot ’em!!”
Now the Democratic candidate for the state senate also agreed that a rancher should have the right to kill a wolf eating his calves or sheep. And then she added something sensible about controlled hunts and how some folks even loved the idea of them.

Later at the local watering hole, I asked an ex Army guy for advice to give  the woman candidate so she can get the big applause.
“Sorry, but in this county she needed to use the word “shoot”,  not the more mewey  sounding “kill”. And if she really wanted to stun them, since she followed him, she should have gone up there all steely like and quietly said,  “Yeh, shoot him and gut shoot him three more times.”

“Hmmm,” I thought, “She might have those tea partying tough old coots and young bucks shocked out of their Justin Ropers. But in all honesty, she might have lost some of the women, conservative as they may be. Ladies might not like the Calamity Jane impression. Maybe just a simple “Shoot the suckers” might work, though.”

“Well, thanks, I’ll pass that along”, I said.    But I think maybe it’s best that I stay out of the political consultant business.

Every ranch has this picture of the wolf looking at the ranch on their walls


2 responses to “Gun Toting Campaign Advice

  1. Yes, stay out of the political consultant business. I’m much rather hear your take on what’s going on around you…on all sides, much more interesting.

  2. Great new site! Love the new style and set up of the site. Tales of survial at the old waterhole. Stories of modern ranch life, sans plumbing. Good stuff. So why do you need running water when the irragation ditch is just a chaw spit out the back door?
    D Rock

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